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Learn About a Fashion Content Photography project with Slapback

A vintage pinup fashion brand content photography case study this time for Slapback NYC.

See how my Content Photography Service can be used to capture a range of visual assets for a specific line within an eclectic collection of products with upcoming seasonal trends in mind.

About This Branding  Case Study

Client: Renee from Slapback NYC
Category: Content Photography
Project Objectives: With an emphasis on building an internationally acclaimed niche pinup vintage brand that serves customers online as well as in-person from the HQ flagship store, Renee wanted to showcase a small collection of fully styled outfits shot across Brooklyn at sunset. This Fashion Content Photography would be used in social media, on the website and within email marketing campaigns as summer changed into the fall season and AW collection.
Return on Investment: Up-to-date Advertorial Photography assets that show the essence of the brand. Planned use on the website, in press and across socials.

Fashion Content Photography Planning

The concept and flexible plan for this shoot was done entirely through Instagram DM’s. When we met in person at the Slapback HQ store we agreed:

  • Ashleigh would model with the support of a travelling stylist.
  • On 4 specific outfits paired with neighbourhood hotspots.
  • The brief was open and loose to be able to capture any unpredictable magic of the moment.

Inside Slapback HQ

We changed outfits and used the store as our hub when on this Fashion Content Photography shoot.

Fashion Content Photography for Slapback NYC shot by Laura Pearman Creative

A Fashion Content Photography Shoot

As a British Gal, I was not familiar with the precise local areas, so relied on a high-level shoot travel plan with navigation supplied by Ashleigh and our stylist.

Content Photography for Slapback PinUp Fashion Store in Brooklyn New York - Shot by © Laura Pearman Creative
Content Photography for Slapback PinUp Fashion Store in Brooklyn New York - Shot by © Laura Pearman Creative
Fashion Content Photography for Slapback NYC shot by Laura Pearman Creative
Content Photography for Slapback PinUp Fashion Store in Brooklyn New York - Shot by © Laura Pearman Creative
Find out more about how my Content Photography service works

The Happy Unpredictable Moment

Whilst out walking to our next location chasing the setting sun, our unplanned, and manifested moment of an unpredictable moment of brilliance occurred. I noticed a fabulous vintage patina Buick pulled over complete with a leather jacket-wearing, cigarette-smoking driver.

Using my best Brit-Plummy accent in asking for a favour to include him and his impressive wheels in my shot he snarled an über-cool:

Sure thing kid

and we captured this!

Content Photography for Slapback PinUp Fashion Store in Brooklyn New York - Shot by © Laura Pearman Creative

Implementing a Fashion Content Photography Session

With the overall goal of creating buzz and intrigue about the spring-to-fall season across social media, I created these social media designs as a mock-up to help inform and handover to Renee’s social media virtual assistant. These visual prompts help to articulate how the mood and results of this fashion content photography session translate over to a single social media posting as well as in situ on the online store.

Fashion Content Photography for Slapback NYC shot by Laura Pearman Creative

Fashion Content Photography Project Reflection

Renee and the Slapback team used this Fashion Content Photography as planned in an email marketing promotion, and social media. This was picked up and further circulated by retro and pinup Instagram feeds.

If you’re looking to create some buzz around a precise call to action in your business with a seasonal trend in mind, adapting the flexibility of my Content Photography service could be a great fit.

Fashion Content Photography for Slapback NYC shot by Laura Pearman Creative

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